• Logaritma Kelas 10

    Logaritma Kelas 10

    PDF (Naskah Publikasi) 02. NASKAH PUBLIKASI.pdf PDF (Halaman Depan) 03. HALAMAN DEPAN.pdf PDF (Bab I) 04. BAB I.pdf PDF (Bab II) 05. BAB II.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only PDF (Bab III) 06. BAB III.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only PDF (Bab IV) 07. BAB IV.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only PDF (Bab V) 08.

    BAB V.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only PDF (Daftar Pustaka) 09. DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf PDF (Lampiran) 10. LAMPIRAN.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only PDF (Surat Pernyataan) 01.

    Rumus matematika yang kali ini akan saya paparkan yaitu tentang eksponen dan logaritma, pasti temen-temen sudah pernah mendengarnya, atau bahkan telah mempelajarinya disekolah. Fungsi Eksponen. Bentuk a n disebuat sebagai bentuk eksponensial atau perpangkatan, dengan a disebut basis atau bilangan pokok dan n disebut eksponen atau pangkat.

    SURAT PERNYATAAN.pdf Restricted to Repository staff only Abstract This study aimed to analyze the errors and the causes errors of students in solving logarithms. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research design phenomenology. Respondents were students of class X SMK N 1 Banyudono.

    Data collection techniques used is a test, interview, and documentation. Data analysis techniques with methods of three paths: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion.

    The validity of the data using methodological triangulation method tests, interviews and documentation. Based on the results the percentage of error analysis has been done can be concluded that the error per question most often do the students are (1) error count, (2) misconceptions, (3) the statistical error. To misconception about the number 1: 0%, No. 2: 34%, number 3: 18.75% and the number 4: 28.125.


    To miscalculation about the number 1: 0%, No. 2: 50%, Number 3: 37.5%, number 4: 43.75%. As for the statistical error number 1: 0%, No. 2: 12%, number 3: 18.75%, number 4: 28.125%. Judging from the results above show that the percentage of miscalculation that often do students. Percentage huge miscalculation performed by the students due to careless students in the count or less thorough in the end results. Keywords: Error Analysis, Mathematics, Material logarithm Item Type: Karya ilmiah (Skripsi) Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Kesalahan, Matematika, Materi Logaritma Subjects: Divisions: Depositing User: Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2016 01:45 Last Modified: 10 Aug 2016 01:45 URI: Actions (login required) View Item.

    Logaritma Kelas 10